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the entry formerly known as "not done yet"

2004-01-15 - 17:00

My morning began with Poprocks and Coke. Then I turned off the radio and moved on to some cereal. It was the generic version of Lucky Charms, older than time itself, mixed gingerly with some Cherios and some Grape Nuts that were even older than that. Yum. Then as I poured it I noticed, to my shock and utter dismay (not really, but for the sake of drama...), tiny brown organisms crawling in and out of the mushy mess. Gorupos. Now, gorupos are tiny little critters that have a fondness for grains. They live in rice, in old saltine crackers, birdseed, and occasionally, like now, cereal. My cereal. Oh well. Where's the milk?

*I interrupted this entry here. You can find out why (if you cared, which I don't know why you would...) at the-clan's cheap attempt at an explanation .*

Ok, now that that's over with, where was I?

Oh, yeah. Gorupos. They were in my cereal. I ate them. And the cereal. My sister would've died right there if she'd seen me. She's squeamish about shit like that. I'm not. I ate a grasshopper out of a mint lollipop once (those weird Japanese ones with the bug in the middle), and then once I accidently ate a cokaroach that was in my sandwich. I found out that it was there at all because I found a dismembered leg stuck to the last bit of bread from my sandwich. I ate that too.

So after my healthy breakfast, I went to an orthodontist appointment I had at 11:30. They took a mold for my retainer. Hopefully I'll be getting it on Feburary. (Did I spell that right? I dunno. I could never spell Februrarabla.) After the orthodontist was done ripping away at my gums and shaving off some tooth enamel, he tweaked me playfully on the nose as if I was some four year old kid. Yeah, like that's supposed to make me feel better! But surprisingly, it did. I felt like such a kid. Made me wanna go to Toys 'R' Us.

I went to my dad's house after that and accompanied him to buy some jello, ice cream, ground shrimp, and a shitload of beer at the local food store. That was a lotta beer. My dad sells it, see. And drinks some of it too. When I was younger I used to get upset whenever I saw my father drunk. But now he's actually fun at times. My sister wouldn't agree. But then again, my sister shouldn't say anything, 'cause she's gotten tanked before too, and she mentions getting very 'happy.' My dad gets 'happy' all the time. He was happy on my sister's birthday, and on mine too. And almost every weekend. I'm not allowed to yet, 'cause I'm only 20. Oh, that's right! I'm 20! My birthday was last Sunday! Yeah... my dad got really happy then. And on Christmas too, if I recall alright. *sigh* I had been really excited on my birthday... I thought I was gonna be 21, and then I coulda gotten happy too...

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