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Prework Communications Self-Pitying

02 October 2007 - 15:08

I've been meaning to update this thing, but I haven't really had a chance. Maybe I'm just not making time like I should. I say it's because my internet doesn't work, and so I'm forced to update at work, but I'm the first to admit I'm not really trying to fix my home internet or anything. In fact, I haven't even turned on my damn computer in... ah, say, over a month? Dayum!

And I don't miss it. 'Cause my personal email has become my work email, or the other way around, actually. And my cousins are all writing to me at work, and it makes me feel good, to read their little messages of nothing and hello's and all that good stuff. It's always been hard for me, living far away from everyone I've got a blood connection to. I miss them all so much... and now the Dud is far away too. It was always easier when we were kids, 'cause I always had her and 'Ama. But more Dud, because we're so close in age, and we played together (if not always nicely), and we hit puberty together, got involved in music and all that shit. Together. But now she's in El Paso, and even though we're still in the same state, that's still a good thirteen hours away. Texas is one huge mahonker state, need I say.

So being able to communicate with all my cousins, even the ridiculously younger ones, and with the Dud also, through email, has been a great comfort to me. But today no one's written me, and I feel a little down. There are days that I really hate my job, that I really hate this place, and it makes me feel better (not to mention distracted) to have my family present here, even if it's electronically. I need to quit whining and go back to work now. This office is getting a bit more crowded now that all the supervisors are starting to arrive. Don't wanna get busted on this thing, and yeah... I definately need to stop being such a sorry-ass.

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