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30 September 2008 - 21:52

The full-timers have made it a habit to eat here in the office with me. From about 8:30 to nine o'clock, Tom and Reynelle have their break, and then anywhere between nine to nine-thirty, Diego and Debbie come and eat. I always feel like I'm using these last two, 'cause they always feed me, but won't accept any snacks or food I offer in exchage. Debbie always says she's got enough to go around. (Granted, she really does. I think that lady could feed the whole damn warehouse, given half the chance.)

Today David Ramos, one of the Union Stewards (he represents the drivers), came in and got a chocolate-chip cookie. Art had already come in and pilfridged one from Debbie's stash, and I'd gotten one too but only because Diego pushed one on me. I felt awkward taking some of Debb's food without her even there, but Diego insisted, and said it was cool. Still, I David was in the room and made a comment on how could they eat in the same room with me without offering me any food. That's when Debbs pointed out that I already had gotten a cookie, and I hastily added that I'd only taken it 'cause Diego offered it to me. I think Debbie got a bit affronted, 'cause she said: "Hey! I offer you food all the time!" (Not to mention it was her cookie, duh, and that's not how I'd meant it to come across anyhow.)

I then hurridly explained to Dave my situation of where I am given food everyday (yesterday it was canteloupe melon), but my food was never taken in return. Diego and David just laughed it off, but I think Debbie took it to heart, 'cause she then procceeded to give me more food than normal. I got two sourdough-bread-and-cajun-turkey sandwiches with spicy pepperjack cheese, two gourmet chocolate chip cookies, and the remnants (quite hefty remnants) of a bag of BBQ chips. I know most people in my situation wouldn't be whining about this, but I can't friggin' help it. I feel like I'm taking what's rightfully theirs. And Debbie gets so offended if I don't take her food... I dunno. I wanna get her a present, but I don't want her to get pissed off again. She'll think I'm trying to make up for the food (which I am), and probably won't accept the present.

Anyhow, I'll deal with this shit later. It's past ten already, and I need to finish my reports.

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