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Good Golly!

12 January 2009 - 17:13

I've been meaning to update this thing for the past few days, but haven't found the time to. I'm feeling a bit down, to be frank. Maybe it's because the Dud will be going home in a few days, maybe it's because things are still teeter-totter in her marriage and it's driving me nuts. Maybe it's because I'm now another year older (quarter of a centry old, whew!), or because my father wasn't here for my birthday this time, or because Hugo ain't working that well and Dud might want to get rid of it, which just makes me remember Pifas again and that guilt that comes along with his death washes over me again. Or maybe it's just this damn Creedence Clearwater Revival shit I've got playing in my ears. All I know is that I feel rather strange. I don't feel quite depressed, but maybe I'm getting there.

I dunno. I need to get back to work. I just needed to vent a bit.

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