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DRP interview, and the incurring wrath

27 March 2009 - 02:38

"...What is the advice that you generally get? And that is: inflate the currency. They don`t say debase the currency, they don`t say devalue the currency, they don`t say cheat the people with savings, they say lower the interest rates. The real deception is when we distort the value of money, when we create money out of thin air, we have no savings yet there`s so called capitol... so my question boils down to this: how in the world can we expect to solve the problems of inflation, that is the increase in the supply of money, with more inflation?" -- Congressman Dr. Ron Paul (on one of the points we definately agree on)

I should get the fuck to sleep, really. But I'm too fuckin' pissed off, and nobody to yell at.

You know what pisses me off more than politics? Uneducated people who believe they know about politics. Post a few blogs on a site and all of a sudden you're a political correspondent.

I was watching TYT tonight, and looking forward to it, actually, all day since I was at work, due in large part to this interview below:

I've read up on Dr. Paul since these past Republican primaries. (I made it a point to myself to get really involved in the political movement for this particular election.) Now, I have never classified myself as either a Republican or Democrat. I vote for the person and their platform, not just a party. But this was my first presidential election as an adult, so to speak (last election I was too lazy and didn't vote, because I didn't like either candidate). I felt terrible for not voting back in '04, and decided to make up for it by following things since the primaries. The fact that since '04 I've seen a shitload of political documentaries only served to whet my appetite for this shit even more. So I read up on candidates from both sides: from Huckabee and Paul, Guliani (butchered the spelling of his name, didn't I?), Edwards and Clinton, and of course, Obama and McCain. For a while, I was really psyched about Dr. Ron Paul, but I ended up voting for the Green Party in the end (after he dropped out and I found out he was not a write-in for my state).

Right, why am I pissed? The TYT forum. They're a bunch of idiot hacks! God, I swear, these people drive me up the fuckin' wall! TYT is a political & entertainment site, love the fuckin' show. The interview with Dr. Paul was very respectful, in my opinion. But you get to the forums and, man! Some people are so ignorant! I've changed my views on Dr. Paul since the election, believe me. There are things about his policies I don't completely agree with, but for the most part, yeah, we're on the same page. But these douche-bags were calling him an anarchist and a radical lunatic. And most of them were only basing their assumptions of the guy because he is A) a registered Republican and B) he's actually a Libertarian. One dumbass even wrote: "Isn't this supposed to be a website for Liberals and Progressives?" Erm, NO, you blithering idiot. The radio show has progressive views, but anyone can go on a friggin' website. Furthermore, before jumping to assumptions on a person, try LISTENING TO THEIR POSITION. In case you didn't know, that's a "progressive" thing to to. No, take that back, that's just an educated thing to do. It's what I did! And guess what? It turns out, that when it comes to Ron Paul, I don't like all his views! But he's right about the Federal Reserve (sorta), and I do believe that power for regulating money and the such should go back to Congress.

Someone else called him a "Libertarian whack-job."

*sigh* I'm running out of steam here. Too damn tired. And venting on this shit certainly helped. Bottom line: eduacate yourselves, people of the world. Don't talk out your asses. If you're going to lecture on math, know your Algerbra and Trig'. If you're gonna go on about the great literary voices of our times, know your Orwells and Hemingways, ect. And please, if you're gonna talk politics... at least go read the damn Constitution and the Declaration of Independence. They're available for reading, you know. For free. Online. Before you critisize Ron Paul's views, go to his official website, read what he stands for, compare it with the Constitution, and then fling all the shit and tomatoes you want... once you know what you're aiming at.

God, I swear this is why I'd never go into politics. Another reason I believe science is the answer.

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