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up and fuming

29 April 2006 - 02:40

So today was Mar�a's first day at work. As things would have it, she got placed in FDC, with me. How wonderful.

Now, the sarcasm was not aimed at her. I love Mar�a to death, she's my other sister, have I ever mentioned that? It's just that my worst fears came to life, and la pobrecita was labeled for the simple fact that she knows me. But at least she found out some useful information for me. Not that I didn't already know it, but at least now it's official.

Denise, she hates my ass. She thinks I'm a package-hogger (work-hogger, in UPS lingo), which to be honest, I am. To her, at least.

Not everyone at work knows that Mar�a and I are friends. And those that do (Ivan, Ruben and Joe) haven't the slightest idea of what exactly Mar�a means to me. They don't realize how much I love her, or to what lengths I will go to protect her. Because I will protect her, mark my words.

When Aaron saw we had a new clerk, he instantly came to my side, chumming up as he hasn't done in a long time. Sly bastard. I know what it is he wanted. Reassurance, that his hours won't get cut down. That I won't let it happen to him. *dry laugh* What an idjit. He wanted me to back him up, as a team. Because we used to be a team. But not anymore. I've had enough with him and Denise, and now that Mar�a's at my side, the whole world can fuckin' cave in around us; I don't care for their friendship, if they hate me or not. I didn't in the first place, and with Mar�a here, I'm not alone, so I give even less of a shit, if that's possible.

I do, however, want to cry.

Not for me, no not for me. I just know that things will get rough for Mar�a here on out. When they find out that she's my friend, that we know each other outside work, they will eat her alive. Or try to, anyway. It's a good thing Mar�a (or "Alex", as she is now known at the warehouse - because of her middle name, Alejandra) is so cabrona.

Gah, I fade fast. My body is tired, despite my rushing blood. It's been a rough first day for my adoptive sister. It took its toll on both of us. I need to rest.

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