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07 October 2005 - 14:10

Caperusa and Rizos are quiet right now, which is rare for them. Subdued. *smirk* Damn better be. I growled at them, and they got scared shitless. Huddled as far away from me as they possibly could and curled up to sleep together. They look so cute when they're asleep... but when they're awake, they're annoying as hell.

The only reason I'm updating right now is to get my writing juices flowing. I have this essay I was supposed to turn in this past Tuesday which I didn't bother to do. And I've kept putting it off, despite the fact I know it's costing me one third of a letter grade for every day it's late. Today it's still a B+. But by Monday, it will be a C. I think weekends count, most definately.

I don't know what excuse I'm gonna give my professor. This week, I've been extremely lazy and have missed the past three days of school. School sucks. For me, anyway, which is why I didn't go. But it won't suck so much on Monday, so I'll go. See, I actually enjoy college, it frightens me more to not have classes to attend, y'know? And I like my classes, and my professors. It's just that I've been weaving in and out of my "moods" lately. For more info, please contact the-clan's diary. I won't go into multiplicity here. All I will say is this: It's kinda hard to get to school when only two out of eleven wanna go. But I digress, I digress...

The point is, I've been lazy all friggin' week. 'Ama seems to be falling into a slow depression, so that ain't helping her (or me). I worry, somtimes, but I know she's strong, she can pull through. It's just her damn job; that, and the fact that she's gettin' old. She can't put up with as much shit as she used to. Phone's ringin', an' I's keep typin' cuz my "mood" ain't right right now. I's still can't get to concentratin' on writin' dat damn essay, cuz I's jus' don' like ta write. Dat's what my other "mood" does.

*shakes head*

Damn, it's happening again. I don't like this. And Caperusa just started crying again. I don't know what she wants, damn cat already ate. She's not letting me concentrate! I'll probably end up waiting until Monday to turn in the damn paper, at the cost of another letter grade, but what the hell? It's not like I've got a bad grade in that class right now, it's an A+ last time I checked. One C won't kill me. Gah, I'm just not in the right mood right now. Not in the right me, not the right diary, not the right write.

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